Список научных публикаций
за 2000 г. |
1 | Пущинский обзор на 102,5 МГц: сопоставление с другими каталогами радиоисточников. Самодуров В.А. Препринт ФИАН, 2000, № 40 | 2 | Пущинский обзор на 102,5 МГц: обработка данных и составление каталога радиоисточников. Самодуров В.А. Препринт ФИАН, 2000, № 11 | 3 | Synchrotron emission of radio pulsars. I.F.Malov. JENAM-2000. Abstracts. P.97. | 4 | First detection of pulsed radio emission from an AXP. Malofeev V.M., Malov O.I. Conference of Physics of Neutron Stars, St.Peterburg, 6-8 June, 2000, 37P.; Astro-ph/0106435 | 5 | Monitoring of Cherenkov Emission Pulses with Kalyazin Radiotelescope: real sensitivity and prospective program, in "Radio Detection of High Energy Particles". Dagkesamanskii R.D. Proc. Of the First International Workshop RADHEP-2000, Los Angeles, California,16-18 Nov. 2000, AIP Conference Proceedings, V.579, pp.189-195. | 6 | Пущинский обзор на 102,5 МГц: каталог радиоисточников в зоне склонений 14.0° - 28.0° Дагкесаманский Р.Д., Самодуров В.А. Препринт ФИАН, 2000, № 31. | 7 | Measuring of Primordial Helium Abundance by Radio Recombination Lines (RRL). Sorochenko R.L., Tsivilev A.P. Gravitation & Cosmology Supplement, 2000, v.6, p.148. | 8 | Integrated data processing model in pulsar astrometry researches. A.E.Avramenko, O.B.Dluzhnevskaya, O.V.Doroshenko, V.A.Potapov, A.E.Rodin. Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Computer Science and Information Technologies CSIT'2000. Ufa, Russia, 2000, pp. 245-248. | 9 | Объектная модель коллекции астрометрических пульсарных данных. А.Е.Авраменко, О.Б.Длужневская, О.В.Дорошенко, В.А.Потапов, А.Е.Родин. Труды Второй Всероссийской научной конференции "Электронные библиотеки: перспективные методы и технологии, электронные коллекции". Протвино, 2000, стр. 193-197. | 10 | Pulsar radio spectra and the influence of the interstellar scintillations. Malofeev V.M., Malov O.I. JENAM-2000, Moscow, Russia, May 29 - June 3, 2000 | 11 | The radio emission of the magnetar SGR 1900+14. Shitov Yu.P. JENAM-2000, Moscow, Russia, May 29 - June 3, 2000. | 12 | Radio recombination lines - an effective tool in investigation of the ISM. Sorochenko R.L. JENAM-2000, Abstracts, p.109. | 13 | for radio recombination lines at 408 MHz with the Northern Cross. Smirnov G.T., Poppi S., Cortiglioni S., Montebugnoli S., Maccaferri G. JENAM-2000, Abstracts, p.109 | 14 | Orion Nebula: ionization structure and some parameters by radio recombination lines observations. Cortiglioni S., Cioni M.R., Maxia C., Orsini M., Poppi S., Palumbo G.G.C., Sorochenko R.L., Tsivilev A.P. JENAM-2000, Abstracts, p. 103. | 15 | The H2O maser source S140: A protoplanetary disk. Lekht E.E., Sorochenko R.L. JENAM-2000, Abstracts, p.106. | 16 | Scattering of the low frequency pulsar radiation. Kuzmin A.D. IAU | 17 | Peculiaritis of the millisecond pulsars radioemission. Kuzmin A.D., Losovsky B.Ya. JENAM-2000, Moscow, Russia, May 29 - June 3, 2000. Abstracts, p.96 | 18 | The spectrum of magnetic field irregularities in the solar corona and in interplanetary space. Chashei I.V., Efimov A.I., Samoznaev L.N., Bird M.K., Patzold M. Adv. Space Res. 25. No.9. P.1973-1978.2000 | 19 | Damping of Alfven waves in the solar corona. Chashei I.V. Phys. and Chem. of the Earth ( C ) .2000. V.25. No.1-2. P.117-119 | 20 | Alfven waves in the solar corona according to two-station Faraday rotation observations. Efimov A.I., Andreev V.E., Samoznaev.L.N., Chashei I.V., Bird M.K. Phys. and Chem. of the Earth (C). 2000. V.25. No.1-2. P.107-109 | 21 | Interplanetary shock waves from radio scintillation data. Shishov V.I., Vlasov V.I., Chashei I.V. Phys. and Chem. of the Earth ( C ) . 2000. V.25. No.1-2. P.103-106 | 22 | Квазигармонические флуктуации фарадеевского вращения во внешней солнечной короне. Ефимов А.И., Самознаев Л.Н., Андреев В.Е., Чашей И.В., Берд М.К. ПАЖ 2000. T.26. No.8. C.730-740 | 23 | Анизотропия и скорости мелкомасштабных неоднородностей в области ускорения солнечного ветра. Чашей И.В., Ефимов А.И., Рудаш В.К., Берд М.К. Астрон. ж. 2000. Т.77. No.9. C. 713-720 | 24 | Five minute magnetic field fluctuations in the solar wind acceleration region. Chashei I.V., Bird M.K., Efimov A.I., Andreev V.E., Samoznaev L.N. Solar Phys. 189. P.399-412. 2000 | 25 | Study of the thermodynamics of wave-modulated solar wind electrons using truncated Maxwellians. Chashei I.V., Fahr H.J. Astron. Astrophys.2000. V.363. No.11. P.295-305 | 26 | On the correlation between small scale density fluctuations and speed in the solar wind. Chashei I.V., Kojima M., Shimizu Y. Adv. Space Res. 2002. V.30. No.3. P.441-446 | 27 | Velocity fluctuations in the interplanetary scintillation pattern. Chashei I.V., Shishov V.I., Kojima M., Misawa H. J. Geophys. Res.2000. V.105. No.A12. P.27409-27417 | 28 | Anisotropy of magnetosonic turbulence in the solar wind between 0.1 and 0.4 AU. Chashei I.V., Kojima M., Tokumaru M. J. Geophys. Res. 2000. V.105. No.A12. P.27401-27408 |